Each year on St. Patrick's Day, whether Irish or not, we find ourselves dressing in green. Kids will dress in green for school, there are parades and parties with people decked out in their green apparel. The reasons why might not all be what you think!
Many people associate wearing green on St. Patrick's Day with the colors of the Irish flag and the color of shamrocks. These are 2 of the reasons we wear green on St. Patrick's Day. But did you ever wonder if there was more history behind why we wear green on March 17th?
Wearing green on March 17th comes from the fact that St. Patrick's followers thought wearing green made them invisible to leprechauns. They believed that these little fairy creatures would pinch anyone they could see (anyone not wearing green).
Then, people began pinching anyone that didn't wear green as a reminder that they should wear green or the leprechauns would find them!
So when your children talk about trying to catch a leprechaun this year, tell them that long ago people were the ones hiding from the leprechauns, dressed in green, hoping the wouldn't get pinched!